Najaf Iqbal,巴基斯坦籍,BETVLCTOR伟德官网appCIMA专业教师,武汉理工大学管理学博士,阿伯丁大学非洲-亚洲可持续发展中心研究员。曾先后任职于巴基斯坦旁遮普邦大学与安徽财经大学,在银行、保险、经纪行业拥有专业经验,长期从事全英专业课程的教学。具有丰富的研究经验与成果。同时担任多家知名期刊审稿人,目前累计审稿150多份,是《国际新兴市场杂志》的编辑委员会成员。此外,目前正承担国外多家高校博士学位毕业论文外审工作。
讲授课程:《Macroeconomics》、《Microeconomics》、《International business》、《Corporate finance》、《Commercial Bank Management》。
发表SCI/SSCI论文40余篇,其中第一作者身份7篇,通讯作者身份10篇。发表论文的期刊名称包括《International Review of Financial Analysis》《The European Journal of Finance》《Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money》《Annals of Operations Research》《Finance Research Letters》《International Review of Economics and Finance》《Research in International Business and Finance》《International Journal of Finance and Economics》《The North American Journal of Economics and Finance》《Journal of Environmental Management》《Journal of Multinational Financial Management》等。
1.Quantifying the asymmetric spillovers between sustainable investments
N Iqbal, MA Naeem, MT Suleman
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money(ABS-3, JCR Q1, SSCI,
IF 4.2)
2.Modeling extreme risk spillovers in commodity markets around crisis periods including
N Iqbal, E Bouri, D Roubad
Annals of Operations Research(ABS-3, JCR Q2, SCIE, IF4.8)
3.Financial leverage and corporate innovation in Chinese public-listed firms
N Iqbal, JF Xu, Z Fareed, G Wan, L Ma
European Journal of Innovation Management(ABS-1, JCR Q2, SSCI, IF 4.6)
4.Does exports diversification and environmental innovation achieve carbon neutrality target of
OECD economies?
N Iqbal, KR Abbasi, R Shinwari, W Guangcai, M Ahmad, K Tang
Journal of Environmental Management(ABS-3, JCR Q1, SCIE, IF8.7)
5.Asymmetric nexus between COVID-19 outbreak in the world and cryptocurrency market
N Iqbal, Z Fareed, G Wan, F Shahzad
International Review of Financial Analysis(ABS-3, JCR Q1, SSCI, IF8.2)
6.The nexus between COVID-19, temperature and exchange rate in Wuhan city: New findings
from partial and multiple wavelet coherence
N Iqbal, Z Fareed, F Shahzad, X He, U shahzad, L Ma,
Science of the total environment(SCI-Elsevier, IF 9.8 JCR-Q1)
7.Climate Policy Uncertainty and the Price Dynamics of Green and Brown Energy Stocks
E Bouri,N Iqbal*, T Klein
Finance Research Letters(ABS-2, JCR Q1, SSCI, IF 10.4)
8.Connectedness among major cryptocurrencies in standard times and during the COVID-19
Ashish Kumar,N Iqbal*, Ladislav Kristoufek, Elie Bouri
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money(ABS-3, JCR Q1, SSCI,
9.From forests to faucets to fuel: Investigating the domino effect of extreme risk in timber, water,
and energy markets
MA Naeem,N Iqbal*, S Karim, BM Lucey
Finance Research Letters(ABS-2, JCR Q1, SSCI, IF 10.4)
10.A bibliometric review of the dividend policy literature
Slimane Eddefali, R Patel,N Iqbal*
Research in International Business and Finance(ABS-2, JCR Q1, SSCI, IF 6.5)
11.Good versus Bad information transmission in cryptocurrency markets: Evidence from
high-frequency data
MA Naeem,N Iqbal*, BM. Lucey, S Karim
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money(ABS-3, JCR Q1, SSCI,
IF 4.2)
12.Is green finance good for green innovation: Evidence from the Chinese high-carbon sector
L Ma,N Iqbal*, E Bouri, Z Yang
Resources Policy(ABS-2, JCR Q1, SSCI, IF 10.2)